Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Thats a Fallacy

I'm not much of a student of philosophy but a little never hurt. With this in mind, there are certain standpoints or points that people use when arguing a particular subject or perhaps defending it. Now this is definitely part of arguing defending your point but you must do it in a logical manor. That brings up the meat and potatoes of this blog. A logical fallacy is something that a person uses to argue or convince their point of view. If maybe your lost or I'm not explaining it good an example would the fallacy called, 'The Straw man". This is basically when someone brings up weaker example of ones point so he/she can get an edge on the argument. That's a logical fallacy. Another popular fallacy would be an Ad Hominid attack. A classic example of this would be, "Well you're just too closed-minded to understand the point. Meaning, attacking the person instead of the topic at hand. There are many more fallacy than these. They can make everyday conversation a little more interesting. They might give you a little edge if you get in an argument with someone. If you would like to know more cause my rambling wasn't clear go to Wickipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Give me a break!!

I was flipping through the channels and a the one of the religious channels caught my eye. It was a program on the Noah's Ark and how it was scientifically probable that this really happen. What astounded me was that a so called scientist made the claim that Grand Canyon was cut in a single year by the great flood. That is redicilious. In fact, it took around 40 million years and was cut by the Colorado River. You can actually view the different sediment layers and trace back the years. Do people actually believe that the great flood caused this happen? Are some pepople so niave? Give me a break.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Religion in Science Class

This has always been a touchy subject in school, but an important one. I am a firm believer in science. I have always been intrigued by it. I was raised in a church as a younger child but it left me asking questions and wondering if other peeople asked the same questions. Relying on faith isn't enough. The idea of Intelligent Design has been in the spotlight recently. This basically is just the idea that an Intelligent designer set everything in motion. Some people want to teach this along side with evolution and the big bang theory in science class. I think that is absurd. I'm not totally againist the idea of intelligent design, it just doesn't have a place in a science classroom. Science is something that can be proven and replicated by other scientist infinite amount of times. There is nothing wrong with ID, just keep it in religion class not science. Recenty this topic came up in court, Dover VS. Pennsylvania, and the proponents of incorporating this into the classroom was rejected. This will be only the beginning of an ongoing battle.

The Saints came marching in!

I was rather pleased to see the saints win the other night. I was out of town but I made sure I made time to watch the game. I think it would fabulous if the saints won the Superbowl. Go Saints!!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Creating a link

This is a link to the class blog.
Thursday 9:30 blog

First time blogging

I am new at the whole blogging scene. I think this can be very useful in discussing different issues and gaining insight on these issues. I look forward to the future.