Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Thats a Fallacy

I'm not much of a student of philosophy but a little never hurt. With this in mind, there are certain standpoints or points that people use when arguing a particular subject or perhaps defending it. Now this is definitely part of arguing defending your point but you must do it in a logical manor. That brings up the meat and potatoes of this blog. A logical fallacy is something that a person uses to argue or convince their point of view. If maybe your lost or I'm not explaining it good an example would the fallacy called, 'The Straw man". This is basically when someone brings up weaker example of ones point so he/she can get an edge on the argument. That's a logical fallacy. Another popular fallacy would be an Ad Hominid attack. A classic example of this would be, "Well you're just too closed-minded to understand the point. Meaning, attacking the person instead of the topic at hand. There are many more fallacy than these. They can make everyday conversation a little more interesting. They might give you a little edge if you get in an argument with someone. If you would like to know more cause my rambling wasn't clear go to Wickipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.


~Bonnie~ said...

Yeah, I've seen Tool three times. I guess if you listen to a band like that, there is no way your state of mind cannot be affected...

Megan Meeks said...

I Need HELP with website project! Can ya help me out??? Also, you're falling further behind on blogging than I am, and I'm goin crazy thinking I'm gonna fail. But, seriously you think maybe you'll be able to help me???? :)

Dallas Kirby said...

I have been reading your blog topics. I have to say I find your comments interesting. Also let me take this opportunity to thank you for posting thoughts on which others can easily leave comments as part of their assignments.