Monday, April 30, 2007

Experience Blogging

This was my first time blogging. I enjoyed it initially,then it become a little hassle. Overall i enjoyed it. I got so weighted down that i totally forgot about it and i'm having to catch up. I wouldn't say it is a negative thing. I can see its relevance in a classroom. There are many things you can do with blogging. The only negative thing i could see is being too time consuming.
I am P.E. major and i am having a hard time seeing the relevance in blogging and P.E., i suppose there might be some purpose. As a elementary educator i don't see it being very helpful. Maybe helpful in high school. It is hard enough to teach P.E. to young kids, much less teach them blogging. Maybe in the future it can play more of a role, but at this time i really don't see it anytime soon.

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