Monday, April 30, 2007

Ipods in Instruction

I have been an Ipod owner for some time. I listen to it quite extensively. I use it a work and when i run. Most people don't realize the educational value they hold. Many universities record their lectures and post them. This is pretty cool. These are are called podcast. I listen to podcasts probably more than music. You can find various podcast on different subjects. There weekly shows as well as college lectures.
One of my favorite podcast that airs weekly is The Skeptics Guide to the Universe. This is a science based podcast. A lot of the topics they talk about i have encountered in my curricula at South Alabama. Another one i am fond of is Berkley's(college) podcast. They have various one on different subjects. Here is a website that explains it a little better and tells you how you could go about posting your own podcast. Here

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